As the popularity of crawfish boils and large batch outdoor cooking grows, the Bayou wooden Stir Paddle has become the must-have accessory for every event. The sturdy 35-in wood handle reaches deep into large stockpots and jambalaya pots. Stir up fun and flavor at your next outdoor cooking party and Let the Good Times Roll.
20 in Aluminum Ladle with 6 in cup. For casual entertaining, serve full warm bowls of gumbo, soup, beans & rice and jambalaya. Featuring aluminum construction, the Bayou ladle measures 20 in length with a 6 in wide cup. Ideal complement to medium and large size stockpots and Dutch Ovens.
Use for large batch cooking, crawfish boils and brewing beer. Easy-to-clean stainless steel. 42 in L x 4 in W.